Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
a member of the Church of the Lutheran Confession
Bible Study

If you would like to view our Bible Class videos, you may do so here.
At Zion, we believe the Bible is God's Word of Life and God's Word for Life. Our time together studying the Bible is an important part of how we grow in our faith and in our fellowship. We are happy to make these joint Bible Study lessons available to you with the prayer that they will also cause faith and walk with Christ to grow as well.
You may choose from either Topical Bible Studies or Bible Series Studies.
These studies examine the individual books of the Bible in the way they were originally received - as one whole unit.
If you are looking for a months, maybe even years, long study to grow in your knowledge of God's Word, these studies will provide you just that.

Sometimes, a Christian has a specific question in mind or issue in his life. We just want to know "What does God say about...?"
If there is a particular question that you have been wondering about, take a look at these topical studies. Maybe you will find what you're looking for. Then again, you might find something you didn't know you were wondering about.