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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
a member of the Church of the Lutheran Confession

Our Mission
It is the Lord Jesus Christ who has determined our mission by commissioning His Church to "make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them... and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
We believe that it is our mission to preach the Bible as what it is - the living Word of the living God. We do not believe the social, political, theological or ethical opinions of men have any place alongside God's Word.
We believe that it is our mission to help each person see himself as he is, born in sin, prone to error and doomed to hell unless rescued by God. We do not believe that man is capable of saving himself or improving his eternal destiny.
We believe that it is our mission to confess God as He has revealed Himself, Father, Son and Holy Ghost–three divine Persons, yet one divine Being. We do not believe that all the religions invented by man worship the same God of the Bible.
We believe that it is our mission to uphold Christian liberty in all that is neither commanded nor forbidden by our Lord in His Word. We do not believe that we are free either to set up rules that must be followed or to set aside God's commandments.
We believe that it is our mission to honor and worship Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God who became a man to redeem lost and condemned mankind. We do not believe that Jesus was merely a good teacher or moralist who came to show us a better way to live.
We believe that it is our mission to treat the Church as the creation of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and that the Church's only head is Christ. We do not believe that it is a human organization subject to the manipulations of men.
We believe that it is our mission to preach forgiveness of sins for the regeneration of individuals unto eternal life. We do not believe that the redemption of the world is to be found in conforming to any social pattern of men.
We believe that it is our mission to administer the Sacraments as the means by which the Holy Spirit graciously creates and preserves faith. We do not believe in self-induced religious experience or any so-called faith apart from that which is created by the Spirit through the Gospel.
We believe that it is our mission to proclaim salvation by grace through faith in Jesus as the only way to eternal life. We do not believe that man can be saved by his own works, no matter how sincere he may be in his beliefs or how decent he is in his behavior.
If you would like to share with us in this mission, please contact us.
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