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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
a member of the Church of the Lutheran Confession

Are you facing challenges in your life and seeking someone to talk to about them? If you're in search of guidance aligned with Biblical values, consider pastoral counseling—a unique approach that draws wisdom from the Bible and our Creator who knows our struggles better than we do.
Whether you have questions or need informal counseling from a Christian perspective, pastoral care is a valuable option. Best of all, we offer it free of charge. The only thing it will cost you is your time and a commitment to apply what you learn.
While our pastor is not a trained clinical psychologist or board certified counselor, his commitment to the Word of God, together with an education focused on helping people apply it to their lives, makes him a valuable added resource for those struggling with problems common in society and culture. He can't prescribe medications, but he can listen. He might not know the ins and outs of human neurology and physiology, but he understands quite well the human soul.
Feel free to reach out to our pastor at any time if you are looking for such guidance.
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